LEJOGLE World Record Attempt

In May 2025 this year Sarah Ruggins will attempt the LEJOGLE World Record cycling 1,700 miles fundraising for Bikes for Refugees (Scotland) and The Bike Project (London).

Like us, Sarah believes strongly about the transformational power of bikes and cycling to change peoples lives for the better.

Sarahs story is made all the more incredible having only picked up a bicyle for the first time 2 years ago following her recovery from a life changing illness unable to walk or use her hands.

Check out Sarah’s inspirational story here as well as the LEJOGLE crew and supporters.

We invite you to join us and Sarah in supporting this record breaking attempt. Please Donate on the lejogle challenge website now. Corporate and other supporters are also encouraged to support and get in contact.

Every £ raised will help to provide essential mobility and freedom of movement to isolated and socio-economically disadvantaged refugees and asylum seekers via free bikes and the transformational power of cycling.

Lands End - John O’ Groats - Lands End - RECORD BREAKING

Steven McCluskey