The difference your bike makes.
Thanks to you we have refurbished and distributed over 2,500 bikes providing essential mobility to New Scots.
People tell us how valuable it is having access to a bike for all sorts of essential daily activities.
These are a small sample of the many people that your support has helped.
Donate a bike for New Scots
We are only able to accept donations of ‘good condition’ bicycles. We have limited time and resources for repairs and require to get bikes into the hands of our New Scots friends as quickly, safely and efficiently as possible. Thank you for your support.
Please Note:
Any problems with the web form please contact Becky (volunteer) at bikedonations@bikesforrefugees.scot
The better the condition the bike, the better thank you;
We are not able to strip bikes down for parts as this is beyond our capabilities as a small charity.
We are unable to accept ‘abandoned’ bikes from closes/stairwells unless you have permission from owners.
Please provide as much information on our form as you can about your bike and its condition thank you. This will help us to assess its suitability.
We sometimes sell donated bikes, but only with your permission. Some bikes can be worth more to us and New Scots if we sell the bike and reinvest the funds back into the charity to cover costs for bikes repairs and the purchase of helmets, locks and lights. Please inform us if you do not wish us to sell your bike.
When we receive your form we will be in contact to discuss. Please note that we are part-time and not always able to reply immediately.
THANK YOU for your support to New Scots.
Please also consider donating funds to support the refurbishment of your bike and to help purchase essential bike accessories.
Thank you for donating a bike for a New Scot. Your donation will make a significant contribution to individuals and families settling in Scotland. Every bike is a hand of friendship to New Scots.
As soon as we receive your completed form one of our staff will contact you to discuss. Please note that we are mostly part-time and may not be able to get back to you straight away. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as we are able to.
There are many other ways to support us. Sponsor essential bike accessories that we provide free with every refurbished bicycle. Donate funds to help keep the wheels turning. Sign up for one of our fundraising challenge events. Have you considered volunteering? Perhaps your workplace or organisation can support our work?